Chiropractic Care

What is chiropractic?

“A hands-on, non-invasive, and drug-free practice that safely and effectively helps relieve pain and improve the body's overall function”
- Canadian Chiropractic Association

Who can benefit from chiropractic care?

Chiropractic care for everyone!
”Safe and effective for the management of musculoskeletal conditions — from small children to elderly adults to pregnant women to Olympic athletes. Musculoskeletal conditions can range in severity from minor sprains and strains to back and neck pain to disc herniations and spinal stenosis… Musculoskeletal conditions come in all shapes and sizes and chiropractors are here to help”
- Canadian Chiropractic Association

Treating injuries & conditions

“Day-to-day life can put demands on your musculoskeletal system — work, accidents, sports injuries, household chores, even stress can cause painful joint and back problems”
- Canadian Chiropractic Association

Conditions chiropractic can help?

• Chronic Pain • Neck Pain
• Sprain/Strain • Back Pain
• Headaches • Shoulder Pain
• Migraines • Elbow Pain
• Whiplash • Wrist/Hand Pain
• Muscle Injury • Hip Pain
• Tendon Injury • Knee Pain
• Ligament Injury • Ankle/Feet Pain
• Nerve Injury • Sports Injuries
• Nerve Entrapment • Disc Injuries
• Postural Syndromes • Sciatica

- Canadian Chiropractic Association

Prevention & maintenance

“As spine, muscle and nervous system experts, chiropractors can provide valuable information on how to prevent injuries and treat back and neck pain, as well as other musculoskeletal pain and dysfunctions. If aches and pain are affecting your ability to engage in your activities of daily living and actively participate in life, consider visiting a chiropractor today. Even without symptoms and pain, preventative care may be right for you. Studies have demonstrated that maintenance care can reduce likelihood of reoccurrence and decrease overall care costs”
- Canadian Chiropractic Association

What is an adjustment?

Chiropractors are trained to examine the spine and joints in the body to ensure everything is moving, functioning, and aligned properly. For the joints that are not working optimally, a chiropractic adjustment is performed.

Chiropractic adjustments are precise, it is applying a gentle and quick force to the specific joint.

The goal of an adjustment is to aid in correcting spinal misalignment, and in turn, restore optimal function.